
The aim of the study was to assess sleep structure, phenotypes related to bruxism
activity and basic respiratory parameters among a large group of participants with
sleep bruxism and without obstructive sleep apnea. Adult participants with clinical
suspicion of sleep bruxism and with no other significant medical history were recruited.
Video-polysomnography was performed to detect masseter muscles activity.
Polysomnographic scoring was performed according to the American Academy
of Sleep Medicine Criteria. Finally, 146 participants were included. The participants
were divided into three subgroups: severe, mild and no sleep bruxism. There were
no differences in total sleep time, sleep latency, sleep efficiency, wake duration after
sleep onset, rapid eye movement, and measured respiratory parameters. The severity
of sleep bruxism contributed to the increased intensity of all sleep bruxism
phenotypes in almost all sleep stages, apart from tonic and mixed activity in nonrapid
eye movement stage 3 sleep (slow-wave sleep). Those with bruxism spent more
time in rapid eye movement sleep compared to controls; there were no differences
in non-rapid eye movement sleep stages. The results confirmed that sleep bruxism
does not significantly affect sleep duration, efficiency and continuity (in terms of
sleep–wake cycles). Sleep bruxism contributes to a higher percentage of rapid eye
movement sleep in the total sleep time. Those with bruxism present more frequent
episodes during all stages of sleep; however, in the case of slow-wave sleep, tonic and
mixed activity observed in participants with sleep bruxism are comparable to those
of healthy people.
polysomnography, rapid eye movement sleep, sleep bruxism, sleep stages, sleep structure